Resin Printing Brain Dump Incoming.

I originally posted this in response to a friends question on Facebook asking for advice in preparation for the arrival of his newly purchased resin printer.

I use the Elegoo water washable resins for most of my prints. It keeps odor down on both the resin and the cleaning.

Get a silicon funnel and some extra filters just in case. Makes draining the tank much easier.

Have lots of paper towels on hand. Mess will happen.

Save at least one or two of the empty bottles you can pour the small left over resin all into one bottle and mix it up if color doesn't matter (parts that will be painted).

You'll need a metal scraper, but I assume the printer will come with that.
Get a set of plastic ones too. I use the plastic ones to stir the resin that has been sitting in the tank for a couple of days. A plastic one can also lightly scrape little bits off the fep sheet in a pinch. Must be careful with this.

Buy a set of plastic lunchroom dining trays I line one with paper towels and do all my work in between steps on it to keep any mess contained. Can also set the printer in one just incase the fep fails and resin escapes. (this has not happened to me, but better safe than sorry).

Keep at least one of the support rafts from a print handy to use when you clean the fep sheet by using whatever your manufacturer calls the tank clean function. This exposes a full edge to edge layer of resin which will collect any settled debris floating around in the resin. You set the raft on the bottom of the tank, then run the clean function which embeds the raft in the exposed layer and lets you lift it right out. I do this once in a while, depending on whether I have had a failed print or not.

Keep some isopropyl alcohol around just in case, comes in handy.

Gloves are a must.

I also keep alcohol based hand sanitizer close by. Good for both cleaning my hands after messing with the prints and cleaning paint off my hands too.

Get a bottle of UV Resin (Hard) and a UV Flashlight for sticking parts together. It works wonderfully. I find it works better than super glue for me. I weld the part(it is thicker) using the resin(it is thicker than regular resin) and flashlight, then put it in the cure station for another round to finish it off.